Grégoire Owona

Grégoire Owona

MINISTRE DU TRAVAIL ET DE LA SECURITE SOCIALE DU CAMEROUN Né le 28 novembre 1950 à Nkoabe dans, la Région du Centre du Cameroun, OWONA Grégoire Sébastien est un passionné d’Informatique, domaine dans lequel il a fait ses études supérieures et suivi plusieurs...
Paul Mackay

Paul Mackay

Paul Mackay is responsible for employment and labour relations policy in BusinessNZ. He has extensive high-level experience in the fields of labour market policy, employment law, strategic planning, change management, human resources and industrial relations in...
You Jun

You Jun

Vice Minister of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, P.R.China Mr. You Jun was born in January 1966 in Macheng City, Hubei Province. Mr. You received his Bachelor’s Degree of Science from the Space Physics Department of Wuhan University of China in...
Peter Salama

Peter Salama

Dr Peter Salama is the Executive Director of the Division of Universal Health Coverage at the World Health Organization since March 2019.  From 2016 to 2019, Dr Salama was WHO’s founding Executive Director for Emergency Preparedness and Response, responsible for...
Nunzia Catalfo

Nunzia Catalfo

In 2013, Ms Nunzia Catalfo was the first signatory of the bill for the establishment of the basic income scheme. In 2018, she drafted the bill for the establishment of the statutory minimum wage.  On 21 June 2018, Ms Catalfo was elected President of the...
Joachim Breuer

Joachim Breuer

Professor Joachim Breuer was elected as the 16th President of the ISSA at the World Social Security Forum in 2016. He is internationally recognized as an expert on social security and social insurance. Professor Breuer began his career at the German Federal Ministry...